
admin2022-06-16  38

问题 人们学会了珍惜各自身上具有的一些品质,正是这些品质使群体生活愉悦美好。在这些品质中,最重要的是同情。你若是残忍地对待动物,你就不大可能对其他人善良体贴。你若是对其他人体贴入微,你就不大可能残忍冷漠地对待动物。古代的智者写道“仁者爱人及畜”,原因概出于此。善待动物并不是说我们永远不能让动物承受痛苦。人类自身就是在快乐中、也在痛苦中经受锻炼。因此,有时候也需要用惩罚来训练我们的狗和马,使他们听从我们的指令。在医生的手下,为了疗好创伤或医治疾病,我们得忍受痛苦。为了国家的利益,我们派遣最勇敢的人们直面创伤、疾病和死亡。同样,我们让战马和我们一起亲冒矢石。


答案People have learned to value the qualities that each of them possesses that make group life enjoyable. The most important of these qualities is compassion. If you are cruel to animals, you are less likely to be kind to other people. If you treat other people with consideration, you are less likely to treat animals with cruelty and insensitivity. This is why the wise men of ancient times wrote that “benevolent men love their animals.” Being kind to animals does not mean that we should never allow animals to suffer. Man himself is exercised in pleasure as well as in pain. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to use punishment to train our dogs and horses to obey our commands. Under the hands of a doctor, we have to suffer in order to heal a wound or cure a disease. We have sent our bravest men and women to face trauma, disease and death in the face of what is good for our country. In the same way, we let our horses march with us through the hail of bullets.

