天安门广场(Tiananmen Square)位于北京市中心,是世界上最大的广场。整个广场东西宽500米,南北长880米,总面积达44万平方米。矗立在广场中央的人民英雄纪念碑(Monument to the People’s Heroes)是新中国诞生后在

admin2016-09-17  40

问题     天安门广场(Tiananmen Square)位于北京市中心,是世界上最大的广场。整个广场东西宽500米,南北长880米,总面积达44万平方米。矗立在广场中央的人民英雄纪念碑(Monument to the People’s Heroes)是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑。天安门广场与其周围的建筑,被称为中国的心脏,是举行重大庆典的神圣之地。天安门广场还是著名的旅游景点,每天都有大量的中外游客到此参观旅游。


答案 Located at the center of Beijing City, Tiananmen Square is the largest square in the world. It covers a total area of 440,000 square meters, measuring 880 meters north to south, and 500 meters east to west. Monument to the People’s Heroes, the first architecture built on the square after the founding of New China, stands upright in the center. Tiananmen Square, together with the surrounding architectures, can be called the heart of China. It is the holy place where grand ceremonies are held. Tiananmen Square is also a famous tourist attraction with a large amount of visitors from home and abroad every day.

解析 1.第1句中的“位于北京市中心”可处理为地点状语,用过去分词短语located at the center of Beijing City来表达,将第2个分句处理为句子的主干,使译文主次分明。
2.第2句中,将“总面积达44万平方米”处理为主干it covers a total area of….“整个广场东西宽500米,南北长880米”表伴随状态,可译为分词短语measuring 880 meters north to south,and...east to west,动词measure表“距离/长度/宽度为……”,用在此处生动形象。
3.第3句的主干是“人民英雄纪念碑是第一座建筑”,而“矗立在广场中央的”则为修饰“人民英雄纪念碑”的定语。该句可按原语序结构,把“矗立在广场中央的”译为定语从句,整句译为Monument to the People’sHeroes that stands...is the first architecture…;或可将“矗立在广场中央的”译为伴随状语,standing inthe center of...;也可将“是新中国诞生后在广场修建的第一座建筑”处理为“人民英雄纪念碑”的同位语,表达为Monument to the People’s Heroes,the first architecture built...,stands….
4.第4句最后一个分句“是举行重大庆典的神圣之地”语义较独立,故考虑分译为一个独立的句子。定语“举行重大庆典的”较长,且含有动作,故译为定语从句,置于被修饰词holy place之后。
5.最后一句后半句的“每天都有大量的中外游客到此参观旅游”的逻辑主语与前半句中的主语“天安门广场”不一致,翻译时可稍作处理,将其意思转换为“每天吸引大量的中外游客到此……”,译为attracting a largeamount of tourists…,表伴随状态。或可用介词短语with a large amount of visitors...作后置定语,修饰tourist attraction。“到此参观旅游”承前的“旅游景点”可省略不译。
