A、He is very concerned about the North Korea’s nuclear program. B、He favors aggressive diplomacy to resolve the crisis. C、He thi

admin2013-04-13  41

President Clinton’s nominee for Defense Secretary, William Perrey, says he is very much concerned by the growing tension over North Korea’s nuclear program. The Sente Arms Services Committee held confirmation hearings Wednesday for Mr. Perrey who’s currently Deputy-Secretary of Defense, the number two post at the Pentagon: VOA’s David Swan reports:
   "Mr. Perrey told Senators the United States and the United Nations may have to decide very soon whether to impose sanctions on North Korea to bring the country in line with international nuclear standards. He says it will be a nightmare scenario if North Korea becomes a nuclear power. ’I’m unhappy with them having one nuclear bomb which they may already have, but I am even more concerned about the extensive program development they have on the way to develop while it couldn’t be dozens of nuclear bombs. Mr. Perrey says he favors aggressive diplomacy to resolve the crisis and it is not anxious to use force though he supports the proposed deployment of the Patriot missiles defense batteries to South Korea. On’ another issue, Mr. Perrey says US troops should continue to join UN peace-keeping missions while any large American units should remain under US command.The Senate is expected to easily confirm Mr. Perrey to succeed out-going Defense Secretary Les Aspin who resigned in part over his handing of the mission in Somalia. David Swan, VOA news, the Defense Department."

选项 A、He is very concerned about the North Korea’s nuclear program.
B、He favors aggressive diplomacy to resolve the crisis.
C、He thinks US troops should continue to join UN peace-keeping missions.
D、He thinks large American units should not remain under US command.


