
admin2020-11-01  20

问题    中国共产党十一届三中全会解放了思想,冲破了旧有体制的制约和旧有观念的束缚,打开了中国改革开放的总闸门。从那时起,改革的力量就像洪水一样奔涌而出,为中国冲开了一条富强之路。40年来,中国用无数个“第一”,标记了改革开放的进程,为这一波澜壮阔的历程做出了完美的诠释。1987年,肯德基在北京开业,中国人第一次不出国门品尝“洋快餐”。1990年,上海证券交易所挂牌营业,标志着中国资本市场正式启动。2001年,中国正式加入WTO,加速融入国际社会,推动经济发展进入全球化的快车道。


答案 The third plenary session of the 11th central committee of the Communist Party of China held in 1978 liberated people’s thinking, and broke the old institutional restrictions and the constraints imposed by old concepts, paving way for the nation to embrace reform and opening up. From then on, the power of reform, gushing out like flood, blazed a trail that has led to China becoming a strong and prosperous country. Over the past 40 years, China on countless occasions has used the expression "the first" to mark the progress of reform and opening up, which serve as footnotes of the splendid process of advancement. In 1987, after Kentucky Fried Chicken opened its first outlet on the Chinese mainland in Beijing, Chinese citizens were able to taste foreign fast food for the first time at home. In 1990, the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened, marking the initiation of China’s capital market. In 2001, China entered the World Trade Organization. This quickened the pace of the country’s integration into the international community, advancing its economic growth onto the fast track of globalization. These great changes all stem from that conference 40 years ago. Yet, the achievements that China has made over the past 40 years cannot be attributed to any one-off action; rather, they have come from the Chinese people’s hard work. And China’s reform and opening up is not a once-and-for-all change, but a development path that will never end. In celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, China is looking forward to continuing along a new section of a historic journey.

解析    本文是一篇庆祝改革开放四十周年的文字。第一段通过列举多个标志性事件,回顾了改革开放的历程,第二段进一步陈述了改革开放对于过去、当下和未来的历史性意义。
