对于我们所生存的这个世界,千百年来有着各种认识;然而,归根到底,它是一种系统。这个系统包括了天体、地理、社会、人体、思维等等。牛顿发现的万有引力、爱因斯坦创立的相对论,使人类对这个系统有了最基本的理解,但还仅仅是个基础。 一切事物都是复杂的系统集合

admin2022-06-23  49

问题     对于我们所生存的这个世界,千百年来有着各种认识;然而,归根到底,它是一种系统。这个系统包括了天体、地理、社会、人体、思维等等。牛顿发现的万有引力、爱因斯坦创立的相对论,使人类对这个系统有了最基本的理解,但还仅仅是个基础。


答案 For thousands of years, there have been various kinds of understandings about the world where we live. The world may be best presented, however, as a system including cosmology, geography, society, human beings, thinking mode and so on. Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Einstein’s Relativity have merely laid a foundation for us to grasp the essence of the system. Everything exists in a complex system consisting of macro-cosmos and micro-cosmos, and there are everlasting interactions among different systems at various levels. The best realization comes of a systematic approach. The intrinsic quality of substance is ever unvarying; it has neither increased nor reduced. What has actually been altered is merely its forms: this is the so-called the " law of conservation of matter. " Matter is bound to be manifested in diversified ways.

