随着网购的进一步盛行,小型城市的消费者有了新的购物目标,从网店购买平价奢侈品(affordable luxury)。这些消费者年龄在25岁到40岁之间。借助网络,他们购买了很多昂贵的服装、手包和配饰(accessories)。不同于“冲动型”消费者(imp

admin2017-03-01  27

问题     随着网购的进一步盛行,小型城市的消费者有了新的购物目标,从网店购买平价奢侈品(affordable luxury)。这些消费者年龄在25岁到40岁之间。借助网络,他们购买了很多昂贵的服装、手包和配饰(accessories)。不同于“冲动型”消费者(impulse shopper),他们日趋变得理性、成熟。他们不去选择大牌子的产品,看重的是产品质量和风格。当然,价格便宜是促使他们网购奢侈品的首要原因。


答案 As online shopping prevails further, the consumers in small cities have a new shopping target which is to buy affordable luxuries from online stores. These consumers age between 25 and 40. Via the Internet, they have bought many expensive clothes, handbags, and accessories. Different from impulse shoppers, they are getting more rational and mature. They don’t choose a big brand product. Instead, they emphasize on the products’ quality and style. Of course, low price is the leading reason for them to purchase luxury products online.

解析 1.第1句中的“随着网购的进一步盛行”作状语,可用as引导从句,译作as online shopping prevails fur-ther,或处理成伴随状语,用with引导,译作with the increasing popularity of online shopping。“从网店购买平价奢侈品”可处理为“购物目标”的定语从句,表达为which is to buy affordable luxuries fromonline stores。
2.第3句中的“借助网络”表达为via the Internet,也可用短语with the help of the Internet或throughthe Internet来表达。
3.第4句中的“不同于‘冲动型’消费者”可表达为being different from…,但不如用形容词短语differentfrom来得简单。“日趋”用现在进行时来表达即可,译作are getting。
