"Often mistaken, never in doubt. " That wry phrase describes us all more than we’d like to admit. The psychological study of mis

admin2017-12-31  27

问题    "Often mistaken, never in doubt. " That wry phrase describes us all more than we’d like to admit. The psychological study of misconceptions shows that all of us possess many beliefs that are flawed or flat-out wrong—and also that we cling to these fallacies with remarkable tenacity. As a result, just hearing the correct explanation isn’t enough. Most methods of instruction and training assume that if you provide people with the right information, it will replace any mistaken information listeners may already possess. But especially when our previous beliefs(even though faulty)have proved useful to us, and when they appear to be confirmed by everyday experience, we are reluctant to let them go.
   Donna Alvermann, a language and literacy researcher at the University of Georgia, notes that in study after study, "students ignored correct textual information when it conflicted with their previously held concepts. On measures of free recall and recognition, the students consistently let their incorrect prior knowledge override incoming correct information. " It’s what our mothers called "in one ear and out the other. " We have to actively disabuse ourselves or others of erroneous conceptions, and research from cognitive science and psychology points the way. Although much of this research concerns misguided notions of how the physical world works, the techniques it has produced can be used to correct any sort of deficient understanding.


答案 “经常搞错,从不怀疑。”这句嘲讽的话是给我们大家的写照,而我们却不大愿意承认。对于错误观念的心理学研究表明,我们都抱有许多有问题的、乃至全然错误的观念,而且我们还异常顽固地坚持这些错误的观念。因此,仅仅听正确的解释是不够的。大多数教学和培训方法都假设,如果向人们提供正确的信息,就能取代听众们可能已经持有的错误信息。然而,尤其是在我们先前的观念(尽管是错误的)已被证明对我们是有用的,且这些观念似乎得到日常经验证实的时候,我们是不愿意放弃这些观念的。 美国乔治亚大学语言和读写能力研究员唐娜-阿尔韦曼指出,在一项又一项研究中,学生们在正确的文本信息与他们先前持有的观念发生冲突时,他们会无视这些正确的信息。就进行自由回忆和认知程度而言,学生们始终会让他们先前不正确的知识凌驾于新接触的正确信息之上。这就是我们母亲所说的“一只耳朵进一只耳朵出”。我们必须努力去消除自己的和他人的错误观念,认知科学和心理学为我们指明了方法。尽管这项研究的大部分内容是谈论物质世界是如何运作的错误观念,但是从研究中得出的技巧,可以用来纠正任何类型的有缺陷的理解。

