A、He would be sent to a normal hospital. B、He would be given special treatment, C、He would be treated in a psychological way. D、

admin2021-08-31  25

M: Talking about illnesses, I’m quite surprised to see that [6]in the UK, illnesses are very different from those in Algeria, to some extent. For instance, in the UK people seem to suffer from heart disease and stress quite a lot, whereas in Algeria, they seem to suffer from bowel problems more often.
W: Do the Algerians get cancer?
M: Cancer? Well, cancer exists there as well. But I think it’s more frequent in Britain than it is there. [7]The reason for it. I think, is mainly to do with pollution, the levels of pollution that Britain has. It goes again with industry, and of course, stress. [8]Algeria is slightly developed in the north, and that’s where we record most cancers, whereas the south is pretty healthy. So there is that kind of illness that is recorded there, but not very frequent. Other types of illnesses that people suffer from, especially young children here is asthma. There’s a lot of asthma. When it comes to other types of illnesses, like psychological disturbances and psychiatric related problems, it appears to me that in Britain people are madder than in Algeria.
W: Really?
M: It seems to be so. In the sense that less people go to the psychiatrist in Algeria than here. Is it a fashion? Is it a true reflection of the state of the society? I’m not sure.
W: Are there more psychiatrists here?
M: Oh, far more psychiatrists here than in Algeria. Yes. And people in Algeria would resort to a psychiatrist almost as a last resort for mental illnesses. [9]They tend to rely on the family, because the family structure is again very different from that one in Britain.
W: Much stronger?
M: Yes, it’s much stronger. So the family would tend to support, or even hide, in some cases, they’re mentally ill. And try to help them within the family, often by ignoring their illness. Saying you are normal, therefore behave normally. And that’s what is expected from you. And it seems to work. [10]But when you move away from these cases or psychological problems, you end up... you fall into the category of normal medicine. like, if you have a broken limb, you end up in hospital. And you find hundreds of people with broken limbs being treated the same way as they would be treated in Britain. Really. Perhaps one thing to mention is that people use herbal medicine, or used to use herbal medicine more than in Britain. But I think now Britain uses it quite a lot as well.
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
7. According let the man, what is the reason for more cancers in Itritain?
8. Which part of Algeria recorded most cases of cancer according to the conversation?
9. What would people in Algeria tend to do for mental illnesses?
10. What would happen if one has a broken limb in Algeria?

选项 A、He would be sent to a normal hospital.
B、He would be given special treatment,
C、He would be treated in a psychological way.
D、He would be treated with animals’ blood.


解析 对话中男士提到,在阿尔及利亚如果不是精神疾病,会分到常规医学类别。比如伤了四肢,会去医院治疗(end up in hospital)。本题问如果在阿尔及利亚伤了四肢,会怎么样,故A“会被送到普通医院”符合原文。B“给予特别治疗”与原文normal medicine不符。C“用心理法治疗”和D“用动物血治疗”都与对话不符。
