In March 2016, South Korean Go grand-master Lee Se-dol was beaten by AlphaGo in the final round of the chess game and thus lost

admin2020-08-17  9

问题 In March 2016, South Korean Go grand-master Lee Se-dol was beaten by AlphaGo in the final round of the chess game and thus lost the match. AlphaGo is a great success of artificial intelligence (AI). While researchers are excited because of this event, many Internet users are concerned that human intelligence will be at a disadvantage compared to AI in the future. So, will artificial intelligence replace human intelligence? Write a composition of about 300 words to state your view.
1. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
2. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should use specific reasons and examples to support and explain your points. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.
3. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Artificial Intelligence Cannot Replace Human Intelligence With the fast development of AI, people inevitably leverage this technology in different aspects. Meanwhile, people are faced with great challenges and uncertainties brought by AI. Many people worry that our world will be filled with machines that are stronger and potentially smarter than us. But as far as I am concerned, artificial intelligence cannot replace human intelligence. Firstly, AI do not understand irrational thought. They operate on cold logic. It’s rational, but it lacks human emotions. Consider the increasing prevalence of social media chat bots, which are programmed to answer questions based on a pre-programmed set of clues. That’s brilliant. But when people engage with an AI chat bot, they are not always looking for a rational and logical answer. They want emotional responses. Even the smartest AI chat bot can’t do that, or at least it can’t do it convincingly, with feeling and humanity. Sure, replacing humans with AI may seem like a good idea from a strictly financial standpoint, but from a customer satisfaction standpoint, it’s largely unsuccessful. Secondly, AI also do not understand context. In any type of interpersonal communication, understanding cultural norms and slang is paramount to understanding. That is why only translators with high humanistic quality are competent to the translation of literary works, which involving history, art and natural sciences. Without the interpreters like Yang Xianyi and Xu Yuanchong, foreign readers will never fully appreciate Chinese classical literature. In conclusion, the development of AI is an inevitable trend, but it will not replace or eradicate human beings. It is one of the pushes for us humans to break through and perfect ourselves. Instead of fearing and resisting, making good use of high technology is a better choice for us.

