
admin2016-09-27  58

问题     经济发展必须与环境保护相协调。经济发展是人类自身生存和进步所必需,也是保护和改善地球环境的物质保证。对许多发展中国家来说,发展经济、消除贫困是当前的首要任务。在解决全球环境问题时,应充分考虑发展中国家的这种合理的迫切的需要。国际社会应该作出切实努力,改善发展中国家在债务、贸易、资金等领域面临的困难处境,促进其经济发展。同时,各国的经济发展不能脱离环境的承受能力,应该实行保持生态系统良性循环的发展战略,实现经济建设和环境保护的协调发展。


答案Economic development must coordinate with environmental protection. It is a must for human’s existence and progress and also provides material support for the protection and improvement of global environment. The primary task of developing countries is to develop economy and eliminate poverty. Thus when solving the environmental problem in the world, we should take adequate consideration to the reasonable and urgent need of developing countries. The international society should make practical efforts to help those countries out of the trap in debt, trade and fund thus promoting their economic development. Meantime, we can not be blind to the environmental bearing capacity when developing economy. We should adopt the development strategy of maintaining virtuous cycle of ecosystem and achieve a coordinated development between economic progress and environmental protection. Environmental protection and development can not be separated from the world’s peace and stability. When promoting environmental protection and development, we should devote to the nation’s stability and safeguard regional and international peace. Countries should resolve their conflicts peacefully through consultations and not resort to the use or threat of force.

