I have forgotten whether the song of the cricket be not as early a token of autumn’s approach as any other -- that song which ma

admin2014-06-02  19

问题    I have forgotten whether the song of the cricket be not as early a token of autumn’s approach as any other -- that song which may be called an audible stillness; for though very loud and heard after, yet the mind does not take note of it as a sound, so completely is its individual existence merged among the accompanying characteristics of the season. Alas for the pleasant summer time! In August the grass is still verdant on the hills and in the valleys; the foliage of the trees is as dense as ever, and as green; the flowers gleam forth in richer abundance along the margin of the river, and by the stone walls, and deep among the woods; the days too, are as fervid now as they were a month ago; and yet in every breath of wind and in every beam of sunshine we hear the whispered farewell and behold the parting smile of a dear friend. There is a coolness amid and the heat, a mildness in the blazing noon. Not a breeze can stir but it thrills us with the breath of autumn. A pensive glory is seen in the far golden gleams; among the shadows of the trees. The flowers -- even the brightest of them, and they are the most gorgeous of the year -- have this gentle sadness wedded to their pomp, and typify the character of the delicious  time each within itself. The brilliant cardinal flower has never seemed gay to me.


答案 蟋蟀的鸣声是不是秋天来临的先声呢?我想不起来了。因为蟋蟀的鸣声只可说是一种沉默——一种耳朵听得出的沉默。蟋蚌的鸣声并非不响亮,远处也可以听得见,可是它同秋光秋风齐来,混而为一,我们也不再当它是单独的声音看待,听见了也犹如不闻其声。唉!夏天的繁华过得真快!八月里,山上谷下,草色还是一片青葱;树上的叶还是很密绿;河岸上,石墙侧,森林深处好花盛开,更胜往日;天还是同一个月以前一样的热,可是在每一丝风声,每一线阳光之中,我们可以听见人们低声地道着再会,我们可以看见老朋友分别的时候脸上惨然的微笑。天气虽热,热里面已经透着凉意,中午明亮的阳光,已经不这么炎热逼人了。只要吹起一点微风,风里就带着秋意,我们就不自主的起了一阵战栗。远处树阴中间,金光依旧照着大地,可是灿烂之中含着一点愁思。花开到八月正是最华丽的时候,可是即便是最艳最丽的花,浓装艳抹之下,也掩盖不了一种淡色的轻愁;每一朵都象征着夏尽秋来这个微妙的季候。半边莲可说是光华夺目了,但是我从来不觉得它是代表欢乐的。

