外婆不识字,外公识一点,但他们感情很好。外公在屋前栽了两颗枣树(jujube trees),几年后,树上便有了茂盛的枝叶。到了开花发芽的季节,枣树上便会开出很多淡黄色的小花,风一吹,便落了一地。秋天的时候,枣树上就会结出很多枣子(date),太阳热辣辣的晒

admin2019-10-05  17

问题     外婆不识字,外公识一点,但他们感情很好。外公在屋前栽了两颗枣树(jujube trees),几年后,树上便有了茂盛的枝叶。到了开花发芽的季节,枣树上便会开出很多淡黄色的小花,风一吹,便落了一地。秋天的时候,枣树上就会结出很多枣子(date),太阳热辣辣的晒着,隔天枣子就红了。外婆就会打落下一些好的枣子,洗净了,留给我吃。那时候的我,总是容易生病。外婆也不知道听到那里的传说,孩子要反着养,才会去病去灾。于是,外婆便安心的把我当做女孩子养了起来,留起了小辫子,衣服也是鲜艳的。后来,给外婆家盖房子的师傅,一直到结束,都不知道我是男孩子。


答案My grandma is not literate while my grandpa can read a little, but they never lose their feelings for each other. Grandpa planted two jujube trees in front of the house. A few years later, there were wide spreading branches and luxuriant leaves on the trees. In the season of sprouting and blooming, the jujube trees were covered with light yellow flowers, which fell and scattered on the ground whenever a gust of wind passed by. In autumn, the trees were laden with dates which turned red after one day’s basking. Grandma would knock down some good dates, washing them and saving for me. I was easy to get sick during those days. My grandma heard of a saying that it would spare me, a boy, from diseases if I was raised up like a girl.

解析 1.本文选自散文《我的外婆》。本文的语言朴实直白,翻译时要用平实的语句表达出原文的语言风格。同时,本文句式简短、零散,翻译时可整合句意,多利用合译和增加适当的逻辑关联词,以避免译文过于松散。
2.第一句意思很浅显,但翻译时要注意用地道的英文表达。“他们感情很好”可以根据上下文,译为theynever lose feelings for each。
3.第二句由两个短句构成,主语分别是“外公”和“枣树”,前一句可译为Grandpa planted two jujube trees。“树上便有了茂盛的枝叶”可用there be句式,译为there were wide spreading branches and luxuriantleaves,表达更为形象。
4.第三句中“开花发芽的季节”,实指万物生长的春天,翻译时可按原文作模糊处理,译为In the season ofsprouting and blooming。“枣树上便会开出很多淡黄色的小花,风一吹,便落了一地”,这三个短句中有多个动词,如果都用there be句式,如There would be masses of light yellow flowers或When there is agentle wind blowing,they would fell to the ground。译文显得平淡且动词过多。译文选用“开出”作句子的谓语,其后的部分处理为定语从句,修饰“花”。
5.第四句“结出很多枣子”有多种译法,be laden with、bear well等,考生要注意平时词汇积累,此处译为were laden with dates。“太阳热辣辣的晒着”为了与上一句整合,可译为动名词形式作为枣子的状语,after one day’s basking。
6.第五句,“那时的我,总是容易生病”,“那时”可译为during those days。
7.最后一句“不知道听到那里的传说”,这个传说指的是一种说法,可译为a saying,即后面说的“孩子要反着养,才会去病去灾”,可作为saying的同位语从句,译为my grandma heard of a saying that...。从句作为一种假设,可将“去病去灾”这一希望得到的结果提前,突出目的性,译为it would spare me,a boy,fromdiseases,此句可将a boy作为插入语补充说明什么是“反着养”,实际上是将男孩当女孩养;后面是在假设的条件下,可译为if I was raised up like a girl,语义上更为合理通顺,句子结构更紧凑。
