Personal Details Family name: Peters Address: 7 【L4】_______ Crescent, Mount Lawley Phone number:

admin2022-03-30  40

问题 Personal Details
Family name:           Peters
Address:               7 【L4】_______   Crescent, Mount Lawley
Phone number:         【L5】_______ Health Information
Medication:           【L6】_______
Allergies:            【L7】_______
Other:                【L8】_______
Extracurricular Activities
Sport:                 football
Music:                【L9】_______
Art:                   drawing cartoons
Language:             【L10】_______
K: Let’s move on to your address.  Do you live at 7 Whatley Crescent, Mount Lawley?
S: Yes, that’s right. The street is spelt W-H-A-T-L-E-Y Crescent, in Mount Lawley.
K:  Yes,  I  can see you’ve written that.  Which phone number is best to contact you on?
S: Well, I’m out and about doing things during the day, so probably my mobile, rather than the home number.
K: So that’s 3-oh-2-triple 6-5-3-double 7.
S: Yes, 3 zero 2666 5377.
K: Secondly, can you complete this form regarding your son’s health?
S: Yes, I’ll do it now for you.
K: Thank you. Now, can I go through the more important areas of this form with you to make sure our information is accurate?
S: Yes, of course.
K: Is your son taking any medication at the moment that the teachers will need to be aware of?
S: Yes, he has asthma, so he will be carrying his puffer in his school bag.
K: So he has a puffer. Is he allergic to anything?
S: Yes, peanuts. Actually he should avoid all types of nuts.
K: That’s OK because we have a policy of not having any nuts in our school. Is there anything else that you think we should be aware of?
S: As I’ve written down, he also wears glasses, which he needs to keep on all the time.
K: I’ll highlight that section on the form so his teacher will know about his glasses. Finally, this school has a wide range of interesting subjects that your son can participate in. Could you mark on this form what your son would like to do?
S: Yes, certainly. Here you are.
K: Firstly, it seems your son is particularly interested in football, so I’ll make a note of that. Secondly, with regard to music, would you like him to start 1earning the piano in music class?
S: Yes, that would be fantastic.
K: Now, turning to art, I’ll let his art teacher know that he likes drawing cartoons.
S: Wonderful.
K: Finally, let’s look at languages now. Did you know that Mandarin was actually only started at the school this year?
S: Really? Well, I think Chinese would be the most useful, even though my son’s friends have already been learning Indonesian and Italian.
K: Well, now we have all the information we require about your son. We hope he enjoys himself at our school.
S: I’m sure he will.



解析 电话号码在录音中重复出现了两遍,听录音时需注意double“两倍”或triple“三倍”的数字拼写。
