Read carefully the following excerpt on daigou, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:

admin2021-08-05  34

问题     Read carefully the following excerpt on daigou, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
    -summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
    -comment on whether daigou will prosper among students abroad.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Demands for Overseas Products in China Give Students Abroad Part-time Jobs
    A high demand for overseas luxury goods in China has laid the ground for Chinese students studying overseas to make a small business on-selling the goods to China, says an investigation from the People’s Daily on Monday.
    A simple search on, one of the most popular online shopping sites in China, shows numerous sellers listed as these "on-sellers" or daigou, in Chinese. They live across the world, mostly in Europe, North America and Asia on-selling products like cosmetics, garments, luxury products and milk powder.
    Another surprising platform in China for selling online is WeChat. Unlike Taobao, it is not a traditional sales platform, but a social media platform. Already connected to friends, family and schoolmates back home in China through WeChat, Chinese students abroad can use these connections to spread the product information.
    Liu Xiaomin (not real name) is an exchange student in Italy’s Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and frequently sells products online. She said that at least 3 of her 10 classmates from China who study with her buy cosmetics and luxuries to on-sell back home.
    The high demands for overseas luxury goods in China have opened up an opportunity for these students, many who find they can not only add to life experience, widen social circles, but also make a side income.
    Liu Xiaomin says she easily makes a part-time job with the work, earning 2,500 yuan ($370) a month. Liu Zeming (not real name), a Chinese student in Germany, sells German pens and wants to make a career out of this business when he graduates.


答案"Daigou" Will Prosper among Students Abroad The blind admiration for foreign products has spawned a new business among overseas students—daigou, or personal shoppers who source overseas products for customers back home with the aid of social media. According to students involved, this job benefits them both in enriching their social experience and bringing them a handsome profit. Personally, I believe this ad hoc business will prosper among students abroad for the following reasons. Firstly, if the present situations in China such as concerns over food safety, steep tariffs on imported goods, coupled with some people’s vanity-driven desire to show off through the latest luxuries cannot be attended to in the near future, daigou among college students abroad will flourish. Moreover, the process of daigou will certainly enrich students’ life, as daigou is more than a regular shopping spree. To be a competent shopper, the student has to master the foreign language. In the meantime, the experience of buying luxury goods for customers will give students new insights into the fashion industry and the business world. Last but not least, the hard-earned money will help them build a sense of pride and self-reliance. All these above-mentioned reasons make daigou an attractive sideline for overseas students. In a word, where there is a demand, there is a market. People with envious eyes on this harmless business should think twice about this question before frowning upon it—why is daigou thriving?

