
admin2015-01-09  44

问题     文学家在人群里,好比朗耀的星辰,明丽的花草,神幻的图画,微妙的音乐。这空洞洞的世界,要他们来点缀,要他们来描写。这干燥的空气,要他们来调和。这机械的生活,要他们来慰藉。他们是人群的需要!假如人群中不产生出若干的文学家,我们可以断定我们的生活,是没有趣味的。我们的感情,是不能融合的。我们的前途,是得不着光明的。然而人群中的确已产生出若干的文学家,零零落落地点缀在古今中外的历史上,看:人类对于他们,是怎样的惊慕,赞美,崇拜!


答案 Litterateurs stand out in the crowd, like shining stars, blossoming flowers, magical pictures, and subtle music. This hollow world needs them to decorate and to depict. The insipid atmosphere needs their inspiration. The mechanical life needs their consolation. They are what people need! If among the crowd a few litterateurs didn’t turn up, we can conclude that our life would be boring, our feelings could not be reconciled, and our future would be void of light. However, a number of litterateurs did emerge from the mass population, who have starred and sparkled in Chinese and world history. Look: with what degree of admiration, praise and worship human has treated them!

