Do you agree with the following statement? Government should support scientific research even if there’s no practical use. Write

admin2011-10-30  31

问题     Do you agree with the following statement? Government should support scientific research even if there’s no practical use. Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
    In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
    Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Should Government Support Impractical Scientific Research Nowadays the debate on whether government should spend money on science researches that don’t have practical use has been a hot issue. Ideas vary from person to person. Personally, I agree with the statement that government should allocate adequate funds to any scientific research that aims to improve the well-being of people, even if it is of no practical use in the short run. Firstly, the scientific research may help people to have a better understanding of the world they are living in. Research into the space is a case in point. In 1969, the Apollo program, ranked among the greatest human achievements in science in the twentieth century, landed Neil Armstrong, the first human being, on the surface of the moon. It is the first time that the vast majority of ordinary citizens in various regions throughout the world knew what is the moon because of this program. Maybe the scientific research didn’t have obviously practical use, but it led the people to focus on the galaxy exploration. Obviously, without support given by government, such a kind of space exploration would have been impossible. Secondly, lots of so-called practical scientific researches which were not regarded as practical at first later turned out to be quite practical. Were there not any seemingly useless researches and experiments, science would be stagnant. When the first computer was about to be developed, the public opinion went against it because they saw nothing practical except for the vast sum of funds poured on its research. However, it turned out to have transformed the way human society evolved and finally proved itself to be of great avail in the long run, especially in terms of scientific development in any fields such as military, medicine, aviation and education. Since we can’t predict whether the scientific research is really practical or not at the beginning and in the mid, it is not proper for us to give it up based on the judgment at the beginning. We can not only focus on the immediate effect of the scientific research. In sum, never should we imply that research whose benefits are unknown is not worth pursuing. After all, any research worth doing delves into the unknown. Scientific research, even if there is no practical use, should also be supported by government because scientific research is important not only in practical vista, but also in some more profound areas.

解析    本文在首段提出了全文的主题句,即任何科学研究,只要其目的是为了使人们生活得更幸福,哪怕短期没有实用价值,都应当得到政府充足的资金支持。这句主题句限定了所讨论话题的范围,也就是这些科学研究必须有良好的目的,这样的立论将那些邪恶的科学研究排除在外,使论点更合理、更具说服力。在论述过程中,作者主要采用了举例论证的方法。在谈到科学研究能使人们更了解自己所生活的世界时,作者用了登月这一例子,指出虽然登月这一科研活动没有实用价值,但使我们开始关注宇宙;作者提出的第二个理由是有些科学研究虽然一开始被认为没有实用价值,但之后人们会意识到,从长远看,这些研究非常实用,这里作者用了电脑的发明来进行例证。这两个例子的使用非常贴切,且通俗易懂、知晓度高,使用这两个例子,读者就很容易接受。
