[A] Avoid caffeine [B] Change your sleep cycle gradually [C] Stop hitting the snooze button [D] Don’t torture yourself

admin2020-02-12  48

问题    [A] Avoid caffeine
   [B] Change your sleep cycle gradually
   [C] Stop hitting the snooze button
   [D] Don’t torture yourself
   [E] Have a light dinner
   [F] Try to be consistent
   [G] Prepare your surroundings for the sleep
   5 Surefire Ways to Change Your Sleep Schedule
   There are many situations that can change your sleep cycle. Traveling or shift work can easily upset your sleep. This is because your body gets accustomed to starting the day at a specific time as well as ending it at the certain time. Doctors say that the sleep schedule is one of the most important rhythms in the human body. So if you are having sleep problems, there are some effective ways to reset your sleep cycle. 【R1】______
   Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a princess and dinner like a beggar. This saying has a deep and wise meaning. You should time your meals, because a full stomach can be the reason of sleeplessness. A light snack at bedtime can promote sleep, but too much food can cause digestive discomfort that leads to wakefulness. Moreover, you’d better forget about caffeine in the evenings. Any food or beverage that contains caffeine can disturb sleep, especially if you are sensitive to caffeine. 【R2】______
   It is important to get this done steadily and step by step in order to avoid stress and different sleep disorders. The most suitable way is to do it in 15-minute increments. If you have to wake up earlier, then try to fall asleep 15 minutes earlier each evening. It may be difficult to fall asleep at once, take some relaxing procedures like a bubble bath. I think a few nights will be enough to feel comfortable with the new schedule.
   People’s body is influenced by light and darkness. Doctors strongly recommend darkening the bedroom prior to sleep. The morning light will signify to your body that a new day is starting. Start from dimming the lights in the evening. Switch off laptops, TVs and other sources of light in your bedroom. They emit blue light, which like any light can cause wakefulness at night and disrupt the body’s natural inclination to sleep. Moreover, close your curtains and blinds at night, so you will be able to sleep calmly.
   This is the best way to change your sleep cycle. You should stick to the same sleep and wake up time schedule. Don’t forget about weekends! It is allowed to have an extra hour on Saturday, but you are to be back on track for Sunday. It will help your body get used to this routine again.
   I think everyone knows about those tempting five extra minutes in the morning. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help, but can turn these five extra minutes into ten or half an hour and you will realize that you are late. The morning that starts from stress isn’t a good beginning of your day. There are many ways to keep you from doing this. The most effective way is to put an alarm clock on the other side of the room. You have no choice but to answer it, and before you find it, you will be out of bed.



解析 根据以上的分析可看出,本段就是建议不要贪睡。文中提及的tempting five extra minute、ten or half an hour等等都是与贪睡有关联的时间表达。而且文中最后提到的方法就是要阻止继续赖在床上的行为,C项中的hitting the snooze button指的是关掉闹钟继续多睡会,也即是睡“回笼觉”的意思,故确定C“不要睡回笼觉”为答案。
