《孙子兵法》(The Art of Way)是春秋末期(the late Spring and Autumn Period)军事家孙武所写的一部军事巨著。迄今已有2500多年的历史,是我国古代最早、最完整、最著名的兵书。全书包含13章,主要总结了战争的常识

admin2016-04-26  34

问题     《孙子兵法》(The Art of Way)是春秋末期(the late Spring and Autumn Period)军事家孙武所写的一部军事巨著。迄今已有2500多年的历史,是我国古代最早、最完整、最著名的兵书。全书包含13章,主要总结了战争的常识,提供了一些不经战争就使敌人屈服的策略。它体现了高超的智慧和思想,是中华文明的智慧结晶(quintessence)。《孙子兵法》在世界上也具有重要的地位,是世界三大兵书之一。在现代社会,它也被广泛用于军事斗争以外的其他领域,如政治斗争和商业竞争。


答案The Art of War is a military masterpiece written by Sun Wu, a strategist in the late Spring and Autumn Period. With a history of over 2,500 years, it is the earliest, most complete and best-known book on the art of war in ancient China. Composed of 13 chapters, it mainly summarizes general knowledge on warfare and offers some tactics on how to subdue the enemy without fighting. This book reflects remarkable wisdom and thoughts, thus it is regarded as the quintessence of wisdom and intelligence of Chinese civilization. The Art of War, one of the world’s three greatest works on the art of war, occupies an important position in the world. In modern society, it has been widely applied to fields outside the military, for instance, the political struggle and business competition.

解析 1.第一句的主干为“《孙子兵法》是军事巨著”;“孙武所写的”可采用过去分词短语written by Sun Wu作定语:“春秋末期军事家”可置于孙武之后,以同位语的形式对Sun Wu进行补充说明。
2.第三句“全书包含13章……使敌人屈服的策略”中有三个谓语动词:“包含……”、“总结……”和“提供……”。为了避免句式单一,可将“全书包含13章”处理成过去分词作状语的形式,译为composed of…置于句首;“总结了”和“提供了”可译为两个并列谓语:“提供了策略”为最后一个分句的主干,可在“策略”tactics后加介词短语on...作定语,说明策略的内容。
3.“它体现了高超……智慧结晶”可理解为一个表示因果关系的句子,因为“体现了……”,所以“是智慧结晶”中的“是”应理解为be regarded as(被认为是)。
4.最后一句的主干为“它被用于其他领域”。“军事斗争以外的”可使用介词短语,置于“领域”field后,译为outside the military;“如”可用for example、for instance、such as等表达。
