
admin2021-05-10  20

问题     我越来越思念我的故乡,也越来越尊重我的故乡。前不久,我写信给一位青年作家说:“写文章得罪人。是免不了的。但我甚不愿因为写文章,得罪乡里。遇有此等情节,一定请你提醒我注意!”最近有朋友到我们村里去了一趟,给我几间老屋拍了照片,在村支书家里吃了一顿饺子。关于老屋,支书对他说:“前几年,我去信问他,他回信说:也不拆,也不卖,听其自然,倒了再说。看来,他对这几间破房,还是有感情的。”


答案With the passing of days I become more and more homesick and more and more respectful of my old home. Not long ago I wrote to a young writer saying: "Offending people by writing is unavoidable, but I do not want to offend my fellow villagers. So if you see this occasion, please remind me of it! " Lately, a friend of mine went to my village and took a picture of my old houses and had some dumplings at the home of village party secretary. Talking about my old home, the secretary told him: "Several years ago I wrote him about this. He replied that he did not want his home pull down or sold. Let nature take its own course. He would do nothing until it collapsed. It seems that he still holds a deep affection for these houses in decay."

解析 1.本文选自孙犁的散文《老家》,表达了作者对老家的思念之情,属于一般的文学作品。全文共有四句话,句子结构不算复杂,基本没有生僻词汇和专业词汇。此文平实朴素,译文应保持这种风格。
2.第一句中“思念”和“尊重”是两个并列的谓语动词,由于英语中表示感觉和感情的形容词往往具有动词意义,这里不妨将这两个动词转换为相应的形容词,译为homesick和respectful。原文出现两次“越来越……”,强调随着时间的流逝这些感受逐步加深,建议可在句首增译With the passing of days,增强译文的逻辑性。
3.第二句由多个短句组成,应根据句意进行整合。引号内的包含六个短句,前四个短句是表示原因的一个意群,故可合译为一个句子。最后两个短句是结果,可增译so表明其中的因果关系。“得罪人”可用offend sb.表达。
4.第三句有三个并列的谓语动词:“去了”“拍了”和“吃了”,表示朋友所进行的一系列动作,不妨按照原文的语序,译为went to...took a picture of...and had some dumplings...。“村支书”可译为village partysecretary。
5.最后一句转述了村支书的话,句式较零散,需按语义加以整合。“也不拆,也不卖”是指作者对他的老屋的做法,可译为did not want his home pull down or sold。“听其自然”可译为Let nature take its owncourse。“倒了再说”是指老屋倾倒之前不采取任何行动,可译为He would do nothing until it collapsed。
