
admin2021-12-27  38

问题       河南是中华民族与文明的发源地。中国四大发明中的指南针、造纸、火药三大技术均发明于河南。河南历史文化厚重,文物古迹众多,文物数量居全国第一位。河南境内有25处世界文化遗产,358个全国重点文物保护单位,4个世界地质公园,12个国家级重点风景名胜区,13个国家级自然保护区。


答案  Henan is a province known as one of the cradles of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization. Among China’s four great inventions, three originated in Henan, i.e. compass, paper making and gunpowder. The province boasts a rich historical and cultural heritage and is home to a wide range of relics and sites of cultural and historical significance. It has the largest number of cultural relics in China. Henan has 25 world cultural heritage sites, 358 national key cultural relics protection units, four world geoparks, 12 national key scenic spots and 13 national natural reserves.   Henan Province has an important place in China’s economy. In 2017, its GDP ranked fifth in China, with 4.4988 trillion yuan in total, up 7.8% over the previous year and a per capita GDP of 47,130 yuan, up 7.4%. Cultivated land for grain crops reached 10.135 million hectares with a total output of 59.734 million tons, an increase of 268,000 tons over the previous year. Its added industrial value totaled 1.8807 trillion yuan, up 7.4%. And its total retail sales of consumer goods amounted to 1.9666 trillion yuan, up 11.6%. Consumer prices in 2017 rose by 1.4% over the previous year.   In recent years, Henan has become an important hub in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative. It has established trade links with more than 200 countries and regions in the world. Among the world’s top 500 companies, 127 have business operations in Henan. The province will introduce more attractive policies, provide a more business-friendly environment for foreign investors, and develop and upgrade mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation with countries and regions around the world.

解析 1.河南是中华民族与文明的发源地。Henan is a province known as one of the cradles of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization.
分析 增词减词类
本句在翻译时很容易根据字面意思直接译为Henan is the cradle of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization,但该译句有两点不足:一是对“河南”的信息介绍不足,容易使汉译英的目标读者对“河南”仍存认知盲区,因此需增加province一词,点明其是中国的一个省份;二是cradle一词如果译为the cradle of...,容易造成歧义和理解误差,译为an important cradle of...或one of the cradles of(其中之一)更严谨合理些。
2.河南历史文化厚重,文物古迹众多,文物数量居全国第一位。The province boasts a rich historical and cultural heritage and is home to a wide range of relics and sites of cultural and historical significance.It has the largest number of cultural relics in China.
分析 句子结构类、语言措辞类
本句包括三个重要信息点,前两个为并列主谓短语“历史文化厚重”和“文物古迹众多”,而最后一个信息点“文物数量居全国第一位”则是对前一句“文物古迹众多”的进一步补充说明,因此可考虑采取断句译法,将前两个信息点与第三个分开来译,以使并列主谓短语句式整齐、语义突出。翻译时既要注意在用词上体现一定的丰富性和审美性,又要确保词组搭配和语法的准确性。比如,前两个小句如果译为The province has a rich...and has a lot of...,虽然语义无误,但用词相对简单呆板,而boast,embrace,honor,be home to等则相对能更好地表达汉语原句的语义和语气。对于“厚重”和“众多”的选词,可从与“历史文化”或“文物古迹”较常搭配的近义形容词中进行选择,如rich,profound,fruitful,diverse,glorious等和a wide range of, a large number of, a variety of, rich,numerous,fruitful等。
3.……2017年国内生产总值稳居中国第5位。2017年河南生产总值44988亿元,比上年增长7.8%。人均生产总值47130元,增长7.4%。粮食种植面积达10135干公顷,粮食产量5973.4万吨,比上年增加26.8万吨。全部工业增加值18807亿元,增长7.4%。社会消费品零售总额19666亿元,增长11.6%。全年居民消费价格比上年上涨1.4%。In 2017,its GDP ranked fifth in China,with 4.4988 trillion yuan in total,up 7.8% over the previous year and a per capita GDP of 47,130 yuan,up 7.4%.Cultivated land for grain crops reached 10.135 million hectares with a total output of 59.734 million tons,an increase of 268,000 tons over the previous year.Its added industrial value totaled 1.8807 trillion yuan.up 7.4%.And its total retail sales of consumer goods amounted to 1.9666 trillion yuan,up 11.6%.Consumer prices in 2017 rose by 1.4%over the previous year.
分析 语言措辞类
本句的难点在于动词和数字的翻译。首先,“增长”“达”“增加”“上涨”这类动词的英语表达有很多,比如此处分别选用了副词up,动词reach,total,amount to,名词increase,动词rise等,但翻译时还需注意词组搭配和语法结构的准确性。其次,数字的翻译需注意介词的准确使用,比如,“上涨(了)”或“下降(了)”的数字前常用介词by,而“达(到)”的数字前则常用介词to。
4.近年来,河南已经成为“一带一路”的重要中心。In recent years,Henan has become an important hub in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.
分析 增词减词类
本句在翻译时,需根据上下文语境和词组搭配,对汉语原文隐含的信息进行合理的补足和准确翻译。比如,此处增译implementation(实行;推进),可使译句在逻辑上更加合理,在语义上也更加完整。文中还有类似的处理,如第一段中“河南历史文化厚重”...boasts a rich historical and cultural heritage,增译heritage(遗产)以配合上下文语境和结构。
5.河南将以更具吸引力的政策、更加友好的营商环境,广迎四海宾客,实现更高层次的互利和共赢。The province will introduce more attractive policies,provide a more business-friendly environment for foreign investors,and develop and upgrade mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation with countries and regions around the world.
分析 语言措辞类
本句虽然小句众多,但胜在信息明确、结构清晰,翻译时可采取多种方法灵活处理,力求重要信息不漏译,且各小句之间衔接顺畅、合乎逻辑。比如,汉语原句中的“政策”“环境”可以理解为“互利和共赢”的条件和前提,而“互利和共赢”则是目的,因此,可考虑将整句主要信息按照以上逻辑关系和顺序,处理为三个并列的动宾结构:introduce…policies,provide…environment和develop and upgrade…cooperation。这样,不仅句子主干简单明了,句子间逻辑关系也清晰明确。
