Writing Based on Reading and Listening Directions: For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and yo

admin2018-08-26  20

问题     Writing Based on Reading and Listening
    For this task, you will read a passage about an academic topic and you will listen to a lecture about the same topic. You may take notes while you read and listen.
    Then you will write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the lecture you heard and the reading passage. Try to answer the question as completely as possible using information from the reading passage and the lecture. The question does not ask you to express your personal opinion. You may refer to the reading passage again when you write. You may use your notes to help you answer the question.
    Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on the completeness and accuracy of the content.
    You should allow 3 minutes to read the passage. Then listen to the lecture. Then allow 20 minutes to plan and write your response.
    Write your response in the space provided.
    You will have 3 minutes to read the passage.
    A silver coin was found at the Goddard site, an ancient Native American village in Maine. Scientists said this "Maine penny" was a Norwegian silver penny. Some people believed the Maine penny was brought here by Vikings. However, there is no reliable confirmation or documentation of the Goddard coin as a Viking relic. The Norse coin from Maine should probably be considered a hoax.
    This small silver coin was excavated at the Goddard site, a large prehistoric Native American trade village in Penobscot Bay, Maine. The Norwegian silver penny found in Maine is too far away from other silver coins that have been found, so a more likely explanation for the coin’s presence is that it was obtained by natives somewhere else, perhaps in Newfoundland, and then eventually reached the Goddard site through native trade channels.
    The suggestion that the coin was brought to America by Vikings is ill-founded. Archaeologists have never found any more silver coins in other surrounding places. The Goddard coin remains the only pre-Columbian Norse artifact generally regarded as genuine found within the United States. The fact is that no Viking coins have yet been found north or west of Iceland.
    Finally, Kolbjorn Skaare of the University of Oslo determined the coin had been minted between 1065 and 1080 AD and widely circulated in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. At that time, silver was one of Europe’s key resources, and silver drachmas were popular trade coins. However, Native Americans had no concept of the value of silver coins like these. So, Vikings had no reason to bring silver coins over such great distances to America.
    Then you will hear:
    Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
    Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading passage.
    Well, I hope you enjoyed today’s reading. Unfortunately, the whole passage is one long fairy tale. Let’s consider the evidence presented, which is not very convincing.
    The first thing I want to say is that Nordic explorers liked to travel around the known world. It’s highly likely that Norse living in Greenland visited North America. According to historic records, the Vikings settled in Greenland and Iceland, and even lived for a time in several places between Newfoundland and Massachusetts. With this in mind, explorers could have taken silver coins to any location, anywhere in the known world, on their journeys.
    I can explain why there isn’t any other Norwegian silver penny found in Maine. At that period, silver coins were important currency in circulation. Silver coins were treasured by Vikings as highly as gold and precious stones back then. So when European explorers left America, they probably took all of their silver coins back with them. It’s no surprise, then, that archaeologists have not found more Norwegian silver pennies in North America.
    In my opinion, even if the natives did not know the value of silver coins or any currency at that time, they were easily attracted to the shining silver coins, and made necklaces of them. I have important evidence to prove my speculation. By some accounts, the penny found in the Goddard site, the ancient village in Maine, was with a perforation, hinting it was used as a pendant.


答案 The reading passage takes a skeptical approach to the authenticity of the famous "Maine penny" found at an ancient Native American excavation known as the Goddard site, and argues that any claim of this coin being a Viking relic is false. The professor disagrees entirely, and counters each argument against the coin’s legitimacy. First, the reading points out that no other coin like this was ever found anywhere near the site in Maine. In fact, it was probably brought there by Native American trade many years later. The professor rebuts that just because no other coins like this have been found does not mean Vikings were not in the area. He describes their world travels and various proven trips they made to North America at that time. The next problem, according to the reading, is that if this penny was really brought by Vikings, why have no others of its type been discovered anywhere north or west of Iceland? The professor’s answer is that the coins were far too valuable to the Vikings, even treasured as highly as gold. The Vikings probably took most of the coins back with them when they returned home. Finally, the author cites that Kolbjorn Skaare of the University of Oslo determined the coin was circulated in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. However, Native Americans at the time had no concept of money or the value of silver coins. Therefore, there would have been no reason for the Vikings to bring silver coins to America. However, the professor says that even though the natives did not use silver coins as currency, they still loved the shining, attractive quality of silver, and some evidence even suggests they used this coin as a necklace or pendant.

解析     针对著名的“缅因硬币”,阅读文章认为这枚硬币不可能是维京人带到美国的。首先,人们没有在缅因州发现其他相似的硬币;其次,维京人的故乡冰岛也没有发现同类的硬币;最后,这枚硬币流通的年代里印第安人还没有金钱观。而听力文章认为这三点论据都不具有说服力并进行了反驳。
