在中国,9月10日的教师节(Teacher’s Day)是一个很重要的节日。这一天,人们用各种方式表达对教师的敬意。近年来,许多专家一直希望变更教师节的日期。一些研究中国传统文化的学者提出,教师节应该有其历史文化内涵。不久前,相关部门拟将教师节改至9月28

admin2016-04-20  34

问题     在中国,9月10日的教师节(Teacher’s Day)是一个很重要的节日。这一天,人们用各种方式表达对教师的敬意。近年来,许多专家一直希望变更教师节的日期。一些研究中国传统文化的学者提出,教师节应该有其历史文化内涵。不久前,相关部门拟将教师节改至9月28日。那天被认为是孔子(Confucius)诞辰日。作为“先师”(First Teacher),孔子是中国历史上最重要的教育家及哲学家。


答案 In China, the Teacher’s Day on the September 10 is an important day on which people express their respect to their teachers in a variety of ways. For some recent years, many experts have been hoping to change the date of Teacher’s Day. Some scholars in traditional Chinese culture suggested that the Teachers’ Day should have historical and cultural associations. Not long ago, the department concerned considered moving Teachers’ Day to Sept. 28, which is believed to be the birthday of Confucius. As the First Teacher, Confucius is the most important educationalist and philosopher in Chinese history.

解析 1.仔细分析发现,第2句“这一天……”跟第1句语义联系紧密,故将两句“合译”,用on which引导的非限制性定语从句来引出第2句的内容。状语“用各种方式”用介词短语in a variety of ways来表达,置于句末。
2.第3句“近年来,许多专家一直希望……”时态宜用现在完成进行时,表示动作的延续性,译作for somerecent years,many experts have been hoping to…。
4.最后一句中的状语“作为‘先师’”用介词短语as the First Teacher来表达。时间状语“中国历史上”按照英文表达习惯将其置于句末,表达为in Chinese history。
