Here am I sitting in an inn, having gloomily believed not half an hour ago that inns were doomed with all other good things, but

admin2020-08-19  58

问题     Here am I sitting in an inn, having gloomily believed not half an hour ago that inns were doomed with all other good things, but now more hopeful and catching avenues of escape through the encircling decay.
    For though certainly that very subtle and final expression of a good nation’s life, the inn, is in peril, yet possibly it may survive.
    This inn which surrounds me as I write (the law forbids me to tell its name) is of the noblest in South England, and it is in South England that the chief inns of the world still stand. In the hall of it, as you come in, are barrels of cider standing upon chairs. The woman that keeps this inn is real and kind. She receives you so that you are glad to enter the house. She takes pleasure in her life. What was her beauty her daughter now inherits, and she serves at the bar. Her son is strong and carries up the luggage. The whole place is paradise, and as one enters that hall one stands hesitating whether to enjoy its full, yet remaining delight, or to consider the peril of death that hangs today over all good things.
    Consider, you wanderers (that is all men, whatsoever, for not one of you can rest), what an inn is, and see if it should not rightly raise both great fears and great affection.


答案 此时此刻我坐在一家客栈里,半个时辰前还闷闷不乐,以为客栈都走到穷途末路,种种美好也随之而去,可是现在却增添了几分希望,发现了可以逃脱渐渐笼罩的衰败的一些途径。 客栈,固然极其微妙而又确定地体现了一个优秀民族的生活,却是岌岌可危的,当然它也许可能继续存在下去。 这一家客栈在英格兰南部是最有气魄的,身在其中,就来描写一番(法律规定不得披露店名)。只有在英格兰南部,远近皆知的一流客栈依然如故。一进店门,但见大堂里一桶桶果酒放在椅子上。老板娘为人真诚善良。她的接待叫人高高兴兴进屋投宿。她引以为乐的是她的生活。当年她绰约风姿,如今遗传给了闺女,她在酒柜前后张罗。她的儿子身强力壮,行囊便由他搬上搬下。里里外外真是一处天堂,往来行旅,一进大厅,不禁站住了,莫之所措,是该享受客栈应有尽有而又好景不长的乐趣呢,还是该思量眼下萦绕于所有美好之上的沉沉死气。 来往旅客(反正全是男人,你们一个也休想歇息),好好思量一下,什么叫做客栈,好好打量一下,客栈是不是理所当然既令人十分畏惧又令人十分眷恋。

解析     gloomily为副词,修饰动词believe,但该词其实描述了作者此时的一种情绪状态,可译为成语“闷闷不乐”;doomed在这里的含义是“前景不妙,在劫难逃”,结合语境可知,这里是说旅馆走向没落的命运,因此使用成语“穷途末路”,并将其后的介词with处理为“……随之而去”,语言简练且体现ff{了较高的文学素养;avenues of escape through the encircling decay中的介词through包含了一种突破重围的含义,将avenues of escape译为“逃脱……途径”,这样具象化处理能够令读者在脑海中形成画面,便于读者理解。
    hall在这里描述的是“小旅馆”,所以使用“大堂”一词更符合语境;as you come in为插入语,翻译时按照中文习惯将状语“一进店门”提至句首,同时增加“但见”,前后主语一致,与“走进”形成自然衔接,表达更顺畅。
    The whole place中的whole表示“整个,全部”之意,这里为了体现出旅馆整体而使用“里里外外”一词;hangover是固定搭配,意为“悬浮在……之上”,在这里译为“萦绕”,与其后的“沉沉死气”一词完美搭配。full和yet remaining的处理在这句话中尤其重要,前者表示旅馆乐趣的全面丰富,使用成语“应有尽有”,后者remaining表示“存在的”,但加上前边的yet后则强调这种乐趣虽存在,但却即将消失之意,因此使用成语“好景不长”加以体现。
