Traditionally, the labor market is seen as a mechanism for pairing people with jobs in which matching cannot take place instantl

admin2014-04-20  43

问题     Traditionally, the labor market is seen as a mechanism for pairing people with jobs in which matching cannot take place instantly. This way of thinking about the jobs market owes an intellectual debt to research on markets with search frictions carried out by Peter Diamond of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dale Mortensen of Northwestern University and Christopher Pissarides of the London School of Economics. On October 11th they were awarded this year’s Nobel Prize for Economics for their work.     The economists’ approach was a sharp break from the norm in the early 1970s, when standard economic models mostly treated labor as a commodity which had the worker’s wage as its price. There could be no unemployment in the simplest versions of these models, because wages would fall instantly to eliminate it. True, few economists took these simple models literally: lots of research was done to modify their assumptions and generate more realistic results, often by making it harder for wages to fall. But even the modified models took little note of data on how people flowed into and out of employment. The stretches of unemployment, the job hunts, the moves from job to job, the rate at which workers were fired or hired: all this was absent. Mr. Mortensen argued that this needed to change. Investigating the way people actually went about finding jobs in an uncertain environment, he believed, should be a central concern of the analysis of labor markets.
    The three economists built upon earlier work by George Stigler, who had studied the process by which people acquired information, and who won the Nobel prize himself in 1982. Pointing out that getting information costs time and effort, Mr. Stigler argued that people would do so only as long as the additional benefits of having more information exceeded the additional costs of acquiring it. Mr. Mortensen saw this framework as a useful way of thinking about labor markets, because finding employment in a decentralized labor market typically involves gathering and evaluating information on vacancies and wages.
    Mr. Diamond modeled this job-search process in a series of seminal papers written between 1979 and 1982. One was based on the premise that not all jobs are equally suitable for all workers. The first person offered a job might not be as good a match for it as the second or third person. So if every unemployed person grabbed the first job that came his way, the match between workers and jobs that resulted would not be optimal. By making it possible for workers to be more selective about the jobs they accepted, Mr. Diamond showed, unemployment insurance would improve the efficiency of the labor market.  
It can be concluded that the three economists were awarded Nobel Prize for______.

选项 A、bringing in crucial elements for analysis
B、establishing a whole new economic model
C、providing the government with practical suggestions
D、setting a framework for thinking about labor markets


解析 推断题。本题的解答需要综合理解作者在文中对三位诺贝尔奖得主研究成果和贡献的介绍。根据原文可知,三位经济学家对传统经济模式中难以解释的问题进行分析论证,特别关注到从失业到再就业之间的过程,对过去忽视的很多细节进行了研究。所以,根据原文所述,他们的贡献主要在于增加了很多重要的分析因素。故[A]正确。四个选项中,首先可排除[C],这是对原文最后一句话的曲解,戴尔蒙德先生虽然对失业保险表示了赞成,但没有据此给政府提出任何建议,故[C]属于过度推断。[D]“为分析劳动力市场设置框架”,此论述与莫坦森先生对斯蒂格勒早先工作评价有关,但根据第三段内容,新研究并没有为分析劳动力市场设定框架,故[D]也错误。[B]言过其实,原文只提到了传统经济模式和它们的修正模式,但没有说到有新经济模式产生,故[B]也应排除。
