Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use

admin2013-08-12  10

问题 Narrator
Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor.
Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.
Which is NOT the proper way to set a table based on the professor’s talk?
Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor.
Mary Hi, Professor.
Professor Hi, Mary. What can I do for you?
Mary Ur... in class you talked about the advice on customs and protocol in many countries. I am still puzzled by the way people do things here in America. Um...for example, what should we say to the bereaved?
Professor You need not to say too many words, be solemn and respectful most of the time. A hug is all that is needed.
Mary How should one sit correctly at the table?
Professor The basic rule is to be natural, keep your posture straight and never rest your elbows on the table before or during dinner.
Mary Then, how should we set the table if we have guests?
Professor Centerpieces should be low so as not to interrupt the line of sight of the guests. The table should be set according to the style of food you’re serving and the degree of formality.
Mary Well, what precautions should be kept in mind when we pay a social call?
Professor You should be sensitive to the routines of your friends so that your visit does not become an imposition.
Mary How do we say good-bye?
Professor When we say good-bye, be brief and natural.
Mary Why is it important to be punctual?
Professor The lack of punctuality implies that we do not have consideration for other people’s time and displays selfish behavior. If you arrive late to a dinner, it can be a great inconvenience for your host.
Mary What are the usual practices for giving and receiving presents?
Professor Giving a present is a sign of affection, gratitude, or friendship. The present should be unique yet appropriate and should fall within your financial means. A distinction should be made between the gifts we give to friends and those we give to professional colleagues.
Mary How do you converse properly?
Professor When talking to someone, you should look at him or her straight in the eyes. Speak in a language that will be understood by everyone present. Remember: a good conversationalist is one that makes those around him feel comfortable and eager to engage in conversation.
Mary [Leaving]
Oh, I think I’m clear on that now. Thank you. Bye!
Professor My pleasure! Bye!
Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.
7. What is the conversation mainly about?
8. Why is it important to be punctual?
9. What should be implied when people give and receive presents?
10. Which of the following is the appropriate way to converse properly?
11. Which is NOT the proper way to set a table based on the professor’s talk?
Centerpieces should be low so as not to interrupt the line of sight of the guest. The table should be set according to the style of food you’re serving and the degree of formality.

选项 A、Centerpieces should be low so as not to interrupt the guests.
B、The table should be set at the hostess’ will.
C、Setting the table, the hostess should always think of her guests.
D、The table should be set according to the food style.


解析 本题为复听题,要求考生复听一段较难理解的讲话,然后回答问题。题目问:下列哪一选项不是正确的布菜方式?根据“Centerpieces should be low SO as not to interrupt the line ofsight of the guest.The table should be set according to the style of food you’re serving and thedegree of formality(主菜应摆得低一些以免挡住客人的视线。桌子的摆放应根据食物的风格和招待的规格而定),选项A(主菜应摆得低一些以免挡住客人的视线)正确,选项B(菜应该按女主人的意愿来摆)不正确,选项C(女主人布菜时应时时想着客人)符合,选项D(应按照菜品风格布菜)正确。故选B项。
