我还是不能认同。 在强调“一样”时,女人和男人并非真的一样。在强调“不一样”时,女人却还是少不了要和男人一样的同工同酬。难怪女人们一致地感到辛苦感到劳累。要求她们既要做得和男人“一样”,不被男人轻视,又要做得“不一样”,让男人们欢欣,她们真是招架不

admin2013-06-19  46

问题     我还是不能认同。


答案 But again I have my reservations. When we stressed that women should be "just as good as" men, women in reality were not limited to being "just as good". Now that the emphasis is on being different, women still cannot avoid having to work like men on a same work same pay basis. No wonder women all feel exhausted and drained. They must be like men to avoid being despised by men, and then they must be different from men to be desired by men. How can they bear the strain! It is not fair. Besides, without certain provisions, it is impossible to rely on women’s efforts alone to make it both ways, fulfilling their mission of being "just as good" and still "not as good". I do not deny that the slogan of "women are as good as men" has given women economic and social position, while expecting them to be "not as good" has to a certain extent helped women fulfil themselves in their gender roles. But the problem is. the liberating "just as good" and the pro-gressiveness of "not as good" are all demands made by men on women. Now what about asking men to be liberated from tradition and making some progress themselves? I think this is something we need to think about when we look beyond the slogans of women being "just as good" or "not as good" .

解析     本篇节选自中国著名女作家陆星儿的《女人的“一样”和“不一样”》。陆星儿是我国改革开放后出现较早的女性主义作家之一,其作品多以女性为主题,且善于从女性的角度对一些人们习以为常的观点提出质疑。眼前的这篇短文,带点儿戏谑,带点儿讽刺,质疑了“男女都一样”的“真理”。
1.  文中多次出现“一样”、“不一样”,如划线部分第一句“在强调‘一样’时,女人和男人并非真的一样。”其中“一样”的翻译,乍看一下,似乎很容易,有“same”、“alike”、“equal”等词可以选用。但译文采用“as good as”,译为“When we stressed that women should be‘just as good as’men,women in reality were not limited to being‘just as good.’”。这里的“good”不是指伦理道德上的善恶,而是表示能力、禀赋上的优良,人的价值(非价格)。
2.  划线部分第二句中“同工同酬”可译为“work on a same work same pay basis”或“equal pay for equal work”。
3.    “难怪”:no wonder或It is no wonder that…
4.  划线部分第四句“要求她们既要做得和男人‘一样’,不被男人轻视,又要做得‘不一样’,让男人们欢欣,她们真是招架不住了,而且,也是不公平的。”句式较长,可采用断句法,分译成三个英语句子。  “要求她们既要做得和男人‘一样’……让男人们欢欣”为一句。  “她们真是招架不住了”为一句。“而且,也是不公平的。”为一句。
5.  “要求她们既要做得和男人‘一样’,不被男人轻视,又要做得‘不一样’,让男人们欢欣”是汉语中典型的无主语句型,可译成被动句型。且注意这句话中的“一样”、“不一样”与之前的区别。之所以译为“like”、“different from”,是因为这里不涉及女性个人价值,而是男人对她们的要求,故译为“They must be like men to avoid being despised by men,and then they must be different from men to be desired by men.”。
6.    “她们真是招架不住了”的意思即“她们如何能承受如此压力”,故可译为感叹句“How can they bear the strain!”。
7.  划线部分第五句“何况,无论‘一样’或‘不一样’,要完完全全地做到,没有一定的条件作保证光靠女人们自身的努力,是很难两全其美地一身兼起‘一样’又‘不一样’的使命。”的句式较长,故翻译时需耐心地分析各部分的结构。将句子简化,主干信息为“靠女人们自身的努力是很难两全其美”。剩下部分都是次要信息,可用分词短语形式充当状语来翻译。故整句译为“Besides,without certain provisions,it is impossible to rely on women’s efforts alone to make it both ways.fulfilling their mission of being‘just as good’and still‘not as good’.”。
8.  “两全其美”:have/make it both ways。例如:But why can’t we have it both ways? Can’t we educate people for life as well as for a career?但是我们为什么不能两全其美呢?我们能不能教会人们既懂得谋生,又懂得去成就一番事业?
9.  “口号”:slogan。
10.  “而‘男女不一样’的要求……使妇女们渐渐完善了女性的素质。”这里“……的要求”可译为现在分词形式“expecting them to be…”,以此充当主语。
11.  “完善了女性的素质”可译为“fulfil women in their gender roles”或“improve the quality of women”。
13.  “……是男人世界对女人的不断要求”中“对……提出要求”可译为“make demands on someone”。
14.  “那么,男人世界又是如何要求男人们从传统中得到解放和进步的呢?”译为“Now what about asking men to be liberated from tradition and making some progress themselves?”其中“男人世界”已在前文中提及,故可省略不泽。“what about”的意思是“(对于)……怎么样”,可用“how about”替代。但要注意“what about”和“how about”的区别。在表达提出某种建议的意思时,两者通用。但在征求意见或打听消息时,只能用“what about”。用来表达对事物的惊讶时,只能用“how about”。
