中国面临的最严峻的挑战之一就是人口老龄化(aging population)。专家称在未来四十年内,中国老年人口将接近5亿,占据人口总数的三分之一。这无疑给中国经济增长带来了巨大的压力,但这也意味着更多的商机。人口老龄化将为养老院(nursinghome)

admin2014-11-12  47

问题     中国面临的最严峻的挑战之一就是人口老龄化(aging population)。专家称在未来四十年内,中国老年人口将接近5亿,占据人口总数的三分之一。这无疑给中国经济增长带来了巨大的压力,但这也意味着更多的商机。人口老龄化将为养老院(nursinghome)行业的发展带来良好的前景。据粗略统计,5亿老年人每月至少能为养老院行业带来5000亿元的经济效益。


答案 Aging population is one of the most severe challenges in China. According to the experts, within four decades, China will have nearly 500 million elderly people, which accounts for one third of the total population. Such a situation will undoubtedly put huge pressure on the economic growth of China, but it also means more business opportunities. The fast-growing numbers of elderly people will bring a very good prospect for the industry of nursing homes. Based on rough statistics, half a billion elderly people can at least bring the industry an economic benefit of 500 billion every month.

解析 1.第1句如果照中文语序直译的话,主语(One of the China’s most...challenges)会较长,故为避免英文句子头重脚轻,可将“人口老龄化”用作句子的主语。
2.第2句可译成带有宾语从句的The experts claim that…也可将“专家称”转译成状,语According to the experts。
3.第3句的两个分句问语义转折,故可将其译为but连接的并列句。前一分句的主语“这”可译成such a situation,简洁明了,避免重复。
4.“人口老龄化”的译法有很多,除试题给出的aging population外,还可译为grayingpopulation,the fast-growing number of elderly people等。
5.最后一句中的“养老院行业”承接上文,故可简洁地译成the industry。
